
RPG design & localization lab

About us

Four hands, two heads, a shared love for all kinds of stories... And labyrinths.

Più uno scampolo di filo rosso, per trovare le parole in tutte le lingue del mondo.

Art & Graphics

Maria Guarneri was born and raised in Merate, Lombardy, but her artistic journey mostly took place in Milan, between the Brera Academy of Fine Arts and the Teatro Alla Scala. Her calling has always been to blend different disciplines, from drawing to goldsmithing to tailoring, and stagecraft became a point of convergence for her kaleidoscope of interests. A lover of comics and illustrated books, when she met Oscar she found words to surround with the most disparate techniques. And her own voice as a game designer.

Writing & Editing

Born in Lecco, Lombardy, in 1984, Oscar Biffi lives and writes on the banks of river Adda. As a child he loved to play with rocks. His parents proudly thought they'd found an heir to the distinguished tradition of masonry, passed down from father to son in the valleys of Bergamo… In truth he was just naming the pebbles, to make them all part of a story. Ever since then he's never kicked that habit, carefully studying plots and characters until he got a degree in Literature at Università degli Studi di Bergamo, then striking out on his own to work on roleplaying games, short stories and novels.

Plus a loose end of red thread, to find our way around every language in the world. More or less.

Translation & Editing

Chiara Locatelli è una professionista dell’escapismo oltre che un’amante delle lingue. Il suo primo esercizio di traduzione è stato tra i suoi castelli in aria e la realtà; poi ha scoperto che oltre al suo mondo immaginario ne esistevano tanti altri, più tangibili, e non ha mai davvero smesso di stupirsi di quello che trova oltre i confini. È dottoranda in Studi Umanistici Transculturali presso l’Università degli Studi di Bergamo e collabora come freelance con associazioni ludiche e marchi editoriali, per fare da tramite tra tanti modi diversi di divertirsi e sognare.

There's more than one red thread you can follow to learn the secrets of our labyrinth.


    Events to design, develop and enjoy "chamber live-action roleplaying games": LarpJam, Chambercon and Freeform.

  • Crescendo Giocoso

    Anthologies for the games of the Italian Chamber Orchestra, the community behind In Italian and English.

  • Gioc'onda

    Books, games, workshops and so much more in the heart of Bergamo. A store to spread our love for play and fantasy.

We follow games every step of the way, from writing to testing, from printing to selling.


We help bring games where they've never been before. To museums, to the Sahara desert, to yet-unexplored creative horizons.

Our story








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